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Thursday 8 March 2018



The darbha Asanas (places for prayer and meditation) are used. Traditionally, the darbha grass seat is covered with another food of wool, silk, cotton or animal skin. In meditation, a darbhāsana helps protects the person who sits from all things and the negative spiritual forces. If a darbhāsana is not available, the darbha grass will be placed inside the room for a few knives.

Dhabha is traditionally scattered near the Yajana (Fire Festival), Pooja (prayer ritual) and other religious rituals. This protects people who pray from a negative spiritual impact. Helps open a channel to connect with Deva. Darbha Cross in Pooja

The Kūrcas (holy water vessels) are kept in the darpa meadows of karvas (bags). In this way, the Darbha kūrcas stadium will help create a channel, while preserving the influence from the low-shaded area of ​​Darbha Kurskas, and increases the power of prayers.

During the Kumbabhishekam rituals (temple kumbabishekam rituals), water kumbas (water pots) are placed. Devas are brought into the water pots, worshiped with Yantra puja (magic descriptions), Upacaras (ritual offerings) and Homam (fire ceremony). This process encourages water in the kumbas, and then the Temple Murthis (symbols) are used to purify, encourage (or encourage) a ritual pool. During this process, a thread is tied to the durba grass to connect to the kumbha (water pot) Vikrama (temple icons).

āvāhana ceremonies (intrusion), kumbha (water pot), bimba (statue) or chitrapataa (photo) are used for worship. During the Prana Paithishtha (rituals of excitement) for a new Murti (icon) dedication, the film touches the Daraa Kurses in various places with special mantras. When darbha kurkas (rings made from dhara), marriages (or home) whenever prayers are conducted. These rings help to tolerate negative spiritual energy and encourage their prayers. During the time of Shankalap (a ceremony known for rituals and rituals), the husband has a deep relationship with his wife by touching a durba gurca. Darba pavitram

While in Vivaham (wedding rituals), the female wears a belt from the durba grass.

Similarly, a belt from Dharpa is near the hip of the brahmacāris (spiritual priests).

Yajana (in festive festivals) is placed inside the dungeon (fire fence) on the island. Before the spread of the sacred fire, Homagama will have the mantra to protect the four sides of the quarry from the negative energy and to increase rituals.

After a Homam (fire festival), the darts of Darpha are burned by special magic. Black gray mixed with ghee, blessed with the mantras of this black ash (called Raksa), is offered to the devotees to convert blessings from the devotees. Refining rituals  are very important when placed in Kumbha (water pots) to improve the Drappa Water Purification Properties. The water is encouraged by the chemical mantras once it touches the dwarf with the kūrcas (bundles). Darbha should be considered in the rituals like Dharpasam (patriots). The ancestors, water and black lemon offerings from the hands of the darpha are made from the hands of the darbha knives.

A Few Guidelines for Using Darbha

  • When darpha is cut into small pieces, do not use finger claws, and keep notes as if possible.
  • Deal with respectful darts in respect of spiritual power.
  • When darpha is collected, its notes move towards east, north or northeast.
  • Darbha kūrcas (bags) 7, 9, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27 or other sacred numbers for the best results.
  • Darpha pavitrams  (rings) must be done with anesthesia (funeral processions and other rituals) with 1 blade; Nithya Bajah (with 2 blades offered for regular home and family worship); 3 knives for pithru puja (rituals for ancestors such as darba and śrāddham); And 4 Blades Parrot Puja (Temple worship / Prayer for others).
  • After the gathering, Daraa should be used for the best conclusion within six months.\
  • Darsha must be gathered by spiritual thinkers while mantras are mantra.
  • The draft should only be collected on the first lunar day of the moon cycle.
  • After use, dharba can not be used again, but people do not walk, where they are exempted from a natural place.
  • Darpha water should be used within 24 hours.
  • If the drapa is not available, especially the other grasses, especially Desmostachya and ergocostic type, or lemon-grass and its relatives can be changed. These grasses have less but not enough effects.
  • Be careful, because many have racer-sharp edges, which can reduce the fingers if a person is not careful 
  • Darbha or other meadows ensure they are dried to store and store airborne container or bag better.

Household utility

Durba winter is used clinically as a diuretic and urine tonic. It is used in urination, diabetes, epilepsy, piles, diarrhea, and severe and prolonged menstrual therapy. It is used to treat repeated abortions and spiritual diseases in all respects. It is used to treat color and internal and external injuries. This is a tonic effect that can be helpful after emotional, severe deficiency or severe illnesses. Traditionally, the turbo is used to preserve cooked foods from the toxic radiation during the circus. In the solar and lunar eclipses, the atmosphere is filled with toxic radiation. It is said that the lunar eclipse will change the cooked food toxicity. If cooked foods are placed in a container and drapa grass, daffa will save food from toxins. 

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