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Sunday 11 March 2018



Why is the  ghee Lamp in the Puja ceremonies preferred?

We decorate it with a temple room in our house. We need to pray everyday images or idols of the deities we like. (Ceremonial worship). We will get pooja articles based on our talents. We are well aware of the kalash (water vessel of metal), shankh (conch), a copper plate, a copper vessel, a small spoon and a lamp. Every article of the puja has its significance. Let us understand the significance of using ghee lamps during the ritual.

Highlights of oil and ghee lamps

Agni Purran clearly states that oil or ghee (clear butter) is used only in lamp or oil, which does not mean puja and other burning substances. According to spiritual science, the lamp with clear butter is sattvik compared to the lamps used on high oils. This is an important aspect, we will try to understand the details. So let's see a difference of light and oil using ghee.

Usage of oil usually uses ghee. The oil lamp will be longer when the neem is contained in a short period of time. Let us see the difference from the spiritual perspective.

The yellow circles found in this map reveal the divine consciousness (chaitanya) in the atmosphere. Red circles are radioactive. The burning fire in the atmosphere releases frequencies of Tejatava (complete fire principle).

Now let's see the effects of two types of lights in worshipers.

The ghee lamp produces an excellent armor, while the ghee lamp creates a miniature armour around a worshiping worship.

The microscopic frequencies emitted from the oil lights enable the brain-energy of consciousness (conscience), and the subtle frequencies out of the ghee are activated by the energy of worship.

Kundalini Yog  Yoga path consists of seven policy wheels or centers of energy in human centers. These chakras affect every aspect of man's natural body, mind and intellect.

The red particles you see are the particles of energy. Hence, this map can show how the oil lamp exposes energy to an atmosphere. Now let's look at the delicate map of the ghee lamps.

Spiritual experience provided by oil and ghee lamp

Now you can now see the spiritual experiences obtained by the oil and the gleam. But before that we can understand through the spiritual experience or Anubhuti. We appreciate the world through the media through the nose, ears, eyes, tongue, skin, mind and cognition. It is known as the experience. But when we experience all of this without participation it is known as a spiritual experience. Now you can now see the spiritual experiences obtained by the oil and the gleam.

Ghee should be prepared from the cow shed.

Usually no oil lamp reveals the frequencies with the particles of the ray but the sesame oil releases some satvases. So the lamp with lime oil is relatively marshy. Nevertheless, the Ney lamp releases the maximum number of Satwick frequencies compared to any oil lamp. Here we feel that we use the gum well, it will shine before the shining of cows.

Five wicks and single wick lamp

There are other types of lights, such as single wick and lamp, which are used by five wikis. Nirvana, which has five wigs, is a sign of a duality that is an open force of a deity, while the single wick attracts Chadwick frequencies. The lights with five wickets are wasted and dominated by the king.

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